2015年4月30日 星期四

有夢最美~ 有愛更美~ 我愛美國~ 最美的國~ GOD Bless America! :-)

i'm baking my favorite whole wheat flaxseed olive oil cheese bread now! it looks good and smells great, too! ^^
i do try not to judge people. if i really have to, there must be for some reason. JESUS's teaching is always the golden rule! no matter what, Love conquers All and GOD still Rules! so, just simply...Keep Calm and Pray On! :-)
very patriotic, very conservative, i am who i am! GOD Bless USA! :-)
rain means green grass! Dear GOD, Thank YOU for the rain! :-)
everyday i try to find out what's going on around the world, but i don't worry about it too much, because i truly believe that no matter what, GOD is still in control and HE is still the BOSS above all! GOD Bless you all and America! :-)
this noon, Anna just asked me to take her to FRYS and Sam's Club. we bought 2 stereo headphones at FRYS, and very much to our surprises, they gave us a free portrait and butterfly balloons! how nice! ^^
you love, you win, you live.
you hate, you lose, you die.
Life, always simple as it is! :-)
i've been using this Lodge Cast Iron Dutch Oven i got from Walmart.com, and i really like Lodge Cast Iron cookware very much! Made In USA, very good quality! ^^
yesterday, i just took a lot of stuff Anna and i we don't need to a local Salvation Army store. for sure, i will keep doing so, because i've been blessed so much by GOD and i want Salvation Army to help those who are in need of help or blessings from GOD as well. :-)
Happy Mother's Day! GOD Bless You All! :-)
we are going to the movies today!
Anna & Nancy <Into The Woods>
while Linda <Do You Believe>  :-)
freedom of speech! freedom of speech! freedom of speech! Talk free but Do Not kill human life! everyone deserves a right to live well and live free!!! :-) just have common sense and don't be too sensitive. we all live once not twice. keep calm and be positive! in a word, GOD still Rules!!! :-)
after thinking a lot whole day today, i just decided to drive to Fry's again and bought this KitchenAid Stand Mixer! i wanted to get a silver one but i know Anna would like a red one like this! ^^ it's brand new!!! ^^
best deal of the day! i just drove to Fry's store and got one home now, in order to replace my old Tatung rice cooker! :-)
this afternoon, i just received my new KitchenAid Countertop Oven. it looks so cool, much bigger than my old one. ^^ i seldom use the stove oven, because it's too big for a small family of 2 like me. most of all, everyone knows i am energy-efficient-oriented type of person...so, this new spacious countertop oven is exactly what i need to make my all time favorite healthy cheese bread! ^^
JESUS does Save Life!
JESUS does Heal life!
JESUS does Love Life!
JESUS is Love & Life! :-)
Don't mess with Texas! GOD Bless America!
Proud to be American. Proud to be Texan.
Proud of City of Garland Police Officers :-)
i often like to joke "any woman who dares to have more than one kid is a supermom!" my mom has 4 kids, so she surely is supermomX3  :-)  so far so good, i'm still trying my best to be a good mom myself. it's certainly not an easy job but full of fun and joy! 
Littleton Regional Hospital, NH, USA
買了這台新烤箱 it's KitchenAid!  :-)
結論就是:EQ 比 IQ 重要,感情的事,小心處理!
still expecting some rain, more rain coming up to TX, though...:-)  Hello!!! Is it summer yet??? TGIF MLGB :-)