2015年9月29日 星期二

Be tough like Lodge Cast Iron and Be soft like Cotton USA; yes, WE The People, Great and Proud Americans! GOD Bless USA! :-)

this year, i'm gonna stop raking leaves but start mowing them into my lawn! :-)
Yes! GOD! Texas needs Rain! Thank YOU! :-)
Early Voting Early Voting i'm going to Vote as Early as Today! GOD Bless America! YA! :-) TRUMP 2016 & 2020 :-)
Best deal of the day! yesterday i just ordered 2 of this very cute Frozen movie, Olaf, upon Anna's request here online; one for me and one for her, 'cus we both love Olaf :-)  btw, this is the custume i should be wearing for this Hello&Win! :-)
Happy Hello&Win! :-)

「單親媽很辛苦」攻破心房 吳玟萱遭詐900萬

TVBS 2015年10月14日 20:37
藝人吳玟萱這個月12日接受士林地檢署傳喚作證,因為她被詐騙集團騙走28萬美元,相當於台幣900多萬!外表看似聰明幹練的吳玟萱,會被受騙的主要原因,就是對方不停說服她,當藝人不是長久之計,況且還有小孩要養,因此讓吳玟萱在3個月內被騙走900多萬元。而和吳玟萱連絡的湯小姐,至今還沒落網,也讓吳玟萱更擔心這筆錢有去無回。 藝人吳玟萱:「她說你要幫小孩子準備未來的學費,所以其實她最能夠騙到我的是這一點。」 藝人吳玟萱出面哭訴,自己在3個月內,被詐騙集團得手900多萬元,只因為取信於對方看起來就像個成功人士。 藝人吳玟萱:「詐騙集團幾乎都是拿現金給我看,她就是會拿一袋500萬現金、或是600萬,她說這是她這個月賺的。」 照片中就是吳玟萱口中的貴婦朋友湯小姐,坐擁南港豪宅,出入還有百萬名車代步。 湯小姐宣稱自己是靠投資關鍵字賺錢,還和許多知名入口網站合作,擁有廣告點擊代理權,投資人可從廠商支付的廣告費獲利,如果點擊率越高、賺的就越多,因此讓吳玟萱一步一步的陷進圈套內。 藝人吳玟萱:「不斷告訴你說,她這個月賺了多少錢、她又賺了多少錢,然後她會不斷的叫你加碼,可是等到你嚐到第一個甜頭之後就沒錢了。」 過程中,湯小姐還會不停安撫哄騙吳玟萱,利用通訊軟體,承諾會承擔風險,讓對方卸下心防,還說最希望大家就是能夠順利出場賺到錢,直到吳玟萱發現投資的錢有去無回,才驚覺有詐。 藝人吳玟萱:「不會接的啦!」 藝人吳玟萱手機:「您的電話將轉接語音信箱。」 湯小姐電話轉語音信箱,無法取得回應,不過士林地檢署已經著手偵辦,而吳玟萱而言,也算是繳了900多萬的學費。

idiot obama administration's "global warming" has become nothing but "scandal warning".
Scientist who urged government to sue climate skeptics gets millions from taxpayers
By    FoxNews.com
Jagadish Shukla, Professor, Atmospheric Oceanic Earth Sciences, George Mason University. (George Mason University)
A key signatory of a petition calling for government to sue companies that question climate change has pulled the letter from his institute's website amid revelations his family reaped $500,000 in salary and benefits last year from the government-funded organization.  The controversy started after George Mason University climatologist Jagadish Shukla and 19 other scientists signed a letter on Sept. 1 urging lawsuits against companies like Exxon for, the petitioners claim, intentionally misleading about climate change. They say the federal government could sue using “RICO” laws originally designed to prosecute the mob, and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., has also backed the idea.  But global warming skeptics accused Shukla of channeling millions of dollars in government science grants into his own salary through a non-profit – while government agencies tell FoxNews.com that they stand by their grants.   Last year, tax records show that Shukla received a $333,000 salary and benefits from an organization he created called the "The Institute of Global Environment and Society" – a group that gets 90 percent of its revenue from government grants. His wife also received $166,000 in compensation from the group over the same period.   link to the letter on the Institute of Global Environment and Society website has been replaced with the following statement: “The letter that was inadvertently posted on this web site has been removed. It was decided more than two years ago that the Institute of Global Environment and Society (IGES) would be dissolved when the projects then undertaken by IGES would be completed. All research projects by IGES were completed in July 2015, and the IGES web site is in the process of being decommissioned.”  The organization has been operating since 1991, and total payments from the group to the Shuklas since 2001 (the most recent year records are available) amount to $5.6 million, according to an analysis of old returns by the Free Beacon.  In addition to the government grants, Virginia state records show that Shukla gets an annual salary of $250,000 from the public George Mason University. Shukla did not respond to requests for comment from FoxNews.com. A George Mason University spokesman declined to comment, referring all questions on the issue to Shukla.  The extensive taxpayer-funding for the climate advocate was first uncovered by University of Colorado environmental science professor Roger Pielke, Jr.                           “It sure looks like the taxpayer and the public university are being taken advantage of for financial gain… this is not how publicly funded science should be done,” Pielke told FoxNews.com.  Shukla’s group’s millions in grant money came largely from three government agencies: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the National Science Foundation (NSF), and NASA.  NSF maintains an online database that indicates it has given $29 million in grants in which Shukla is listed as the principal investigator and an additional $12 million through Shukla’s organization. One NSF grant to Shukla totaled some $7 million between 2004 and 2009 to “work towards an understanding of the predictability of Earth's current climate fluctuations on seasonal to decadal time scales using state-of-the-art, comprehensive models.”  Asked about Shukla’s salary by FoxNews.com, spokesmen from all three government agencies did not get into specifics of the grants to him but said that their institutions have high standards for awarding grants.  “EVERY proposal goes through the agency’s merit- review process, meaning each proposal is reviewed in a fair, competitive and in-depth manner,” NSF spokesman Peter West told FoxNews.com by email, also noting that NSF considers some 55,000 grant proposals a year and provides funding for some 11,000. The NSF told FoxNews.com that reviewers are aware of applicants' names when reviews are conducted.  The spokesman added: “Proposals are evaluated by a minimum of three independent reviewers consisting of scientists, engineers and educators who work neither for NSF nor for the institution that employs the proposing researchers. NSF selects reviewers from a national pool of experts in the appropriate fields to review the subject matter in any given proposal.”  Spokesmen from NOAA and NASA said that they do not have any currently active grants with Shukla's group. However, NASA noted that it does give grants to another organization called the “Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies.” That group was created by Shukla’s group and is closely connected; it is run by another George Mason University professor named James Kinter, who also receives a $180,000 salary from Shukla’s group according the group’s 2014 tax return.  Both the NOAA and NASA said that costs are considered in reviewing grants.  “Proposals for NASA grants require a statement of the labor costs associated with the proposed activity. [Peer] reviewers assess the reasonableness of these labor costs,” NASA spokesman Stephen Cole told FoxNews.com.  Skeptics say that Shukla’s financial operations illustrate that government-funded scientists have plenty of incentive to exaggerate the danger of climate change in order to secure more research funding.  “There is actually a good occasion for talking about the morality and even legal culpability but that group is the government-funded scientists… they do things such as conceal or refuse to publish data that we taxpayers pay for and when they in general conspire to misrepresent information to the public as was documented in the climate gate fiasco,” Alex Epstein of the Center for Industrial Progress told FoxNews.com. He also noted that mainstream climate models have consistently over predicted warming in recent years.
Lawyers who specialize in free speech issues say that it would be dangerous for government to prosecute anyone based on their climate change advocacy.  “This is certainly a threat to First Amendment liberties, both the freedom of speech and press,” Jonathan Adler, a law professor at Case Western Reserve University, told FoxNews.com.  “It's an effort to criminalize dissent on a contentious public policy issue -- and I say that as someone who believes that climate change is a serious problem that warrants serious policy responses, albeit not the same ones pushed by most environmental groups,” he added.  The idea for the lawsuit comes from successful litigation against tobacco companies, which were found to have knowingly lied about the safety of their products.  But major players in the tobacco lawsuits say this case is not clear-cut.  “There’s nothing illegal about being anti-science,” Doug Blanke, who once helped release 35 million pages of tobacco industry documents, and the founder of the Public Health Law Center, told FoxNews.com.  “Denying the consensus of the world’s climate scientists, like insisting the world is flat, is not against the law, in itself… The law only comes into play when a company knows the truth, and admits the truth behind closed doors, but then lies publicly about what it knows, in order to mislead the public and policymakers.  Is that the case with climate change? That will depend on what a company knew and when it knew it,” Blanke told FoxNews.com.  The author, Maxim Lott, can be reached on twitter at @maximlott
No more Bush!
No more Clinton!
TRUMP 2016 :-)
You are what you eat. Be Wise and Be Good! :-)
In GOD We Trust! GOD Bless USA! Cheers! :-)
Eat healthy Live happy! :-)  Watch out what you eat and take care of yourself both mentally and physically! All lives matter!
TRUMP 2016 :-)
MLGB :-)
Climate change isn't scary; "obama change" is! hahaha! what a joke! :-) whatever, GOD Bless USA! :-)
Yes! Miss TAIWAN Number One! :-)
Anna earned 2 free doughnut from school to celebrate my birthday! ^^
Constitutional Amendment and Joint Election – November 3, 2015
Early Voting as early as October 19, 2015 :-)
Spam = Terror
Communism = Terrorism
haha! SoooCool! that's right! Don't Mess with TEXAS! :-)
idiot "obama administration"
evil ISIS sick radical Islamic 
hypocratic "Russia"/ "China"
Drink water Stay strong Vote Trump! GOD Bless USA! :-)
Great Voice from Heaven, The Singing Contractors

Linda's Today's Peace of Mind :-)
NOW i only use Lodge Made In USA cast iron cookware/bakeware! :-)
Anna had great fun going skating for the very first time! :-)
stay away from people with mental illness, so you'll be safe and much happier! :-)
"gun free zone" is hell zone! idiot "obama administration" idiot hypocratic democrats!
Gotta get rid of evil radical Islamic terrorists and criminal/dangerous illegal immigrants asap!
Orian Rugs, Made In USA, so very beautiful! :-)
USA should take in NO refugees from Syria and NO illegal immigrants from Mexico or the rest of the world! 
Most of all, USA should deal with Iran, Russia, China, North Korea and evil ISIS very carefully and seriously! 

this morning i just told Anna; i said, "Anna, we don't need people to notice us, but we do need JESUS to notice us; GOD gave us life to impress and honor GOD, not to impress people; that's the wisdom of life!" :-)  

Mr. Trump has been doing the right thing right and he does love this country truly and honestly! :-)
Good/wise people save life.
Bad/evil people kill life.
Things are this simple.
Go!Go!Go! Team USA! :-)
So proud of this kind of Great American for real! GOD Bless USA! JESUS Saves! :-)
This undated photo, shows Christopher Mintz, who told family members he was shot five times while attempting to prevent Umpqua Community College shooter Chris Harper Mercer from entering a classroom. (Facebook)
'It's my son's birthday': Brave vet's plea brought no mercy from Oregon gunman
Stop killing innocent Christians!!!! you evil unbelievers All go to Hell! JESUS is coming back Real Soon!!!
Shame on such an idiot evil and sick anti-Christ killer coward loser! you dare to kill; you Go to Hell!
you idiot "obama administration" it's not about "guns" but about evil radical Islamic terrorism!
'Filled with hate': Witnesses say Oregon gunman targeted Christians in community college shooting
indeed! WE Great Americans gotta secure the border, stop the crime and rebuild our country stronger and healthier asap!
Stop killing cops; cops are not criminals; criminals are criminals!
Police Officer Greg Alia, left, was shot and killed Wednesday. Jarvis Hall, right, was arrested in the shooting. (Forest Acres Police Dept./Lexington County Sheriff's Dept.)
Lodge Lodge Lodge
To All "politicians"
Don't use money to buy power.
Don't use power to gain money.
Life isn't all about money or power! 

last day of the month, tomorrow will be October. ^^ after having been living for forty something years...I've come to realized that I can't control anyone or anything, but my own behavior and my own weight! ^^ this morning I just went to Sam's Club again for the big bag of bread flour and big bottle of shampoo ^^ also, believe it or not, I got these snack and real-sugar soda free of charge from Winco supermarket! ^^
Go to Hell evil "planned parenthood"
i didn't go abortion.
i didn't let the Devil win.
Look how beautiful my daughter is! :-)