2015年8月18日 星期二

Make good choices for your life! Live well and Be smart! Don't be fooled by anyone or anything. Life is Good! GOD is Great! JESUS, my Savior. :-)

i love 100% cotton clothing and bedding, comfy and healthy! :-)
i love Lodge Cast Iron Cookware/Bakeware sooooooomuch! :-)
Donald Trump is right! WE Great Americans need Fair Trade, not "Free Trade". 
"Free Trade" is unfair, imbalanced and destructive, bad for USA's economy.
criminals always have ridiculous excuse and idiot/shameless criminal theory. 
gun control gun control ; "gun" doesn't need control.
it's the "human brain" which needs total self-control!
Great! this time WE The People gotta win our country 
back and make it Great Again asap! GOD Bless USA! :-)
Proud to be American. Watch out what you eat or it might cost your LIFE!
p.s. also, gotta watch out that evil/sick chinese communism/terrorism.
Huckbee's Christian faith is true and real!
Obama's "christian" faith is just a joke/lie!

these days i didn't do online shopping for clothing too much like i used to do, because... it's near the end of the year...again...time for me to get ready to pay all those expensive property tax bills... also, my car insurance bill is on its way, too... gee... hopefully this winter won't be too cold! "Global Warning Global Warning" our globe needs to warm up to fight against ISIS, the evil! i'm getting tired of hearing "Pope" keep saying "Global Warning"??? why he not saying how to defeat radical Islamic terrorism or how to stop ISIS killing innocent Christians??? those really evil radical Muslims are the real threats to today's "modern" world! meanwhile, i don't care that much about the "global warming", because... if JESUS really comes to the world again as soon as TOMORROW, none of us here on the Earth can escape!!! so, what's the big deal of "global warning"??? JESUS's main point is to save Human souls, not to save this idiot "world"! Just give me a break! hello??? you "sleeping souls" gotta wake up wisely and immediately now!!!

this is why i no longer want a pet.
Seriously, no joking, this time Donald Trump is for real to Make America Great Again! :-)
please stop arguing! what about President Trump and Vice president Carson? well, it sounds good to me! :-)
WE The People Great Americans dare to speak up loud, fight against the evil and take our country back asap! :-)
Whole fruit, Whole wheat, Whole faith, Whole life! :-) i make/eat my bread and i lose weight! :-)
Apples are top fruit for US kids
Published September 21, 2015  Reuters
For U.S. children and teens, more than half of total fruit consumption comes from whole fruits, most commonly apples, new survey data show.
there're still too many Republican Presidential candidates! we need more to drop out! main goal is for Republican to win and take over White House asap! :-) 
Dr. Ben Carson certainly has a brain! Islamic Law in Muslim countries is all very evil to women! WE Great Americans need a real Christian president! :-)
you can be a rational Muslim, but you can't be an evil radical "Muslim". if your "GOD" made you kill, then your "GOD" is the Devil. anyone who dares to kill all ends up in Hell! 
there's only One Way to Heaven. Through JESUS. 
Heaven or Hell? You choose! We all live once! :-)
WE the people gotta take our country back asap! :-) Donald Trump @TwitterNYC :-)
2000 ago, those unbelievers hated JESUS. today, the same group of people still hate JESUS's followers. we Great Americans Christians just have to stay firm and strong, keeping fighting against the evil. GOD Bless America! Peace! :-) 
we Great Americans now only care about one goal : to take our country back! :-)
extra virgin olive oil is the only oil I use for cooking. yesterday I just went to Sam's club again to get this giant 3L olive oil. ^^
any kind of killing is evil, including abortion.
ISIS is evil. "Iran deal" is evil.
"obama administration" is evil.
"planned parenthood" is evil.
Don't sin!
GOD Bless USA! :-)
i live for GOD.
i live for JESUS.
i live for U.S.A.
GOD Bless U.S.A. :-)
to me, today's "Europe" is Game Over, being deadly polluted by radical Islamic terrorism ideology and potentially dangerous Muslim "refugees".  it's not a war between you and me. it's a war between JESUS and the evil.
Thank GOD i am NOT a "Syrian refugee".
more debates more talent to save this country and make it Great Again! :-)
Iran deal is insane. ISIS is evil. Illegal immigrants are poison. "obama administration" is dumb. 
Go! Go! Go! Mr. Trump! Time to take our country back! America must be Great Again! :-) 
WE The People Great Americans can't allow poison illegal immigrants or evil radical Islamic terrorists disguised as "Muslim refugees" to enter our country, because we can't put our country in danger or at risk! No refugees from Syria, the Middle East or Africa! No illegal immigrants from Mexico or the rest of the world! WE Americans gotta secure our borders and save/protect our country right here right now! No excuse! 
idiot "obama administration" has been doing nothing but wasting money and making troubles.
Obama’s revamped college evaluation site ripped as ‘misleading,’ unnecessary
Published September 14, 2015 FoxNews.com President Obama has launched a scaled-back college evaluationwebsite that does not include what some in the higher-ed world had feared -- a government rating system of America’s roughly 7,000 colleges and universities. But the site still has Washington asking questions about why the Department of Education is doing it in the first place.  Among the concerns is why spend taxpayer dollars when such for-profit operations as Barron's, The Princeton Review and U.S. News & World Report have for years been providing similar information and rankings.

GOD Bless America! :-)
today 9/14, Mr. Donald Trump will be here at American Airlines Arena in Dallas! i couldn't drive more than 20 miles to get there to see him in person, but i will certainly wanna catch up his live speech here online later on today! :-)

Linda's today's peace of mind : "richness can't buy happiness ; just simply be happy and you are rich already!" :-)

today 9/12, very nice and comfy weather here in Dallas! cool breezes are what i called them "natural A/C" :-) no fan needed, no sweat! really enjoy this 70 degrees something temperature... is that Texas heat over yet??? hope so! :-)
this is how sick and evil "chinese people" really have been! shame on idiot chinese! Taiwan is Taiwan! Taiwan is NOT "china". Taiwan is Republic of TAIWAN! you idiot chinese should stop lying to yourselves while trying to cheating the rest of the world! shame on evil, sick and idiot chinese communism!

Don't Mess with Texas. Don't Mess with U.S.A. :-)
to me, that "Hillary" has been nobody but a betrayer! 
shame on this type of "democratic hypocrat".
Linda's today's peace of mind : " i don't need my kid to show how good i am; i just only need JESUS to know how good i've been trying to be..." :-)

this morning right after i sent Anna to school,  i just rushed to Fry's to get this Frozen Anna Doll for my Princess Anna!  with Fry's promote code today, it only cost me $9.99 +tax  not cheap but affordable, since Anna has been asking me to buy her one for a while... :-)  btw, Anna really enjoy drawing :-)
9/11 today, whatever emergency, just call 911 
Get a Life and Don't cry! GOD Bless U.S.A. :-)
most chinese people are very tricky, sneaky and dishonest. shame on this type of greedy "chinese" liars.  
p.s. i am 100% pure Taiwanese American, super conservative and patriotic,  from Republic of Taiwan! :-)
Phony bank statements, marriage fraud at center of alleged immigration scam, court docs say 
Dad and daughter arrested in immigrant wedding fraud scheme
By William La JeunessePublished September 11, 2015FoxNews.com
Phony bank statements, staged photos, fake honeymoons and fraudulent wedding ceremonies lie at the heart of an alleged scam to help Chinese nationals obtain U.S. citizenship, according to court records released Wednesday by the U.S. Attorney in Los Angeles.  “Marriage fraud presents a serious threat to the integrity of our immigration system by undermining programs designed to allow foreign nationals to come to the United States in a fair and orderly fashion,” said United States Attorney Eileen M. Decker.  Prosecutors indicted 65-year-old Jason Shiao, also known as “Jason Zheng” and his daughter Lynn Leung, 43, on charges of immigration fraud. They face five years in prison if convicted.  Posing as immigration lawyers, the father-daughter team placed ads in Chinese language newspapers. For a $50,000 fee, the Pasadena pair promised to obtain a visa and lawful status for Chinese nationals through marriages with U.S. citizens, according to a search warrant affidavit filed in the case by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.  “Hollywood may portray marriage fraud as a romantic farce, but it’s a serious crime with serious implications,” said Claude Arnold, special agent in charge for ICE investigations in Los Angeles. “Schemes like this not only undermine the integrity of our nation’s legal immigration system, they pose a security vulnerability and potentially rob deserving immigrants of benefits they rightfully deserve.”  Arnold says the "couples" went to elaborate measures to fake their marriage, including trips to New Zealand and Las Vegas for honeymoon photos. Additional photos were taken at bridal shops, churches and wedding photos in nearby parks to support the ruse.  The photos, along with phony bank statements, utility bills and rental agreements, were then shown to officials during their immigration interview.  Officials say the father and daughter team arranged 70 fake weddings over the last decade for over $3.5 million.  Americans willing to participate in the fraud were promised $10,000, but often did not receive the full amount. Investigators received a tip from an anonymous source three years ago regarding the alleged visa scam.  Shiao and his daughter carry dual passports from China and Australia.  So far, 23 U.S. citizens admitted to being a part of the scheme. Court records suggest in no case did the couples live together or consummate their marriage.

stay away from physically or emotionally violent people, so you will be safe! :-) 
people give me treasure; i keep it. :-)
people give me trash; i throw it away.
ISIS is evil and so is "obama administration".
Thank GOD i am NOT in hell-like "Middle East".
Thank GOD i am NOT an international refugee!
Thank GOD i am an American citizen in Texas! :-)
Come on! Give me a break! Can anybody else just shut up! 
i just wanna hear what Donald Trump or Ted Cruz say!!! :-)
for some reason, i just ordered this online at Walmart.com
evil Iran "deal" and evil "obama administration", both must be stopped asap!
Yes! That's right! No Fear! Just simply live for JESUS! :-)
Great! it's really raining today! :-)
without Religious Liberty, freedom of life is just a joke/lie. i'm glad that Kim David stood firm and strong for her Christianity beliefs! :-)
Democrats are hypocrats! WE THE PEOPLE Great Americans don't need evil Iran deal but need to deal with evil Iran!
YA! Rain is coming again soon! :-)
whatever you're black or white, Do the Right thing Bright and Right! PEACE! :-)
i make my bread; i mow my yard; i talk about GOD and politics! it's my life! :-) whatever choices you make right now, you're gonna be responsible for it later on or pretty soon, so...make sure you make fewer mistakes! btw, i did try to give that "obama" a chance, but he's been keeping failing, again and again, so...it's not my problem! to me, he's nobody but a failure. end of story. end of conversation. time to turn the page and look forward to 2016! :-) 

we don't live to prove our own existence, but to prove GOD's existence!
idiot hypocratic democratic obama administration has been making and causing a lot of trouble domestically and internationally. what a shame!
Published September 05, 2015

European Refugee Crisis: Possible problem for Clinton?

The roughly 300,000 refugees from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and other Middle East countries pouring into Europe this year is sparking new questions about the extent to which U.S. foreign policy under then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has contributed to the crisis. Critics of Obama administration policy while Clinton was the country’s top diplomat argue in large part that she and President Obama failed to keep U.S. troops in Iraq after December 2011, creating a void for the Islamic State to form and embark on a reign of terror that has killed and displace tens of thousands in the Middle East just over the past few years. 

you may be able to restrain my body, but 
you never be able to control my beliefs! :-)
so far, i still see a lot of weak and wicked "human beings"
who are still trying so hard to use their own limited and very
narrow-minded "human brains", in order to challenge GOD's
unlimited and wide-open-minded spiritual wisdom, making
their own ridiculous "rules", in order to disobey GOD's Rules.
all these idiot disgraceful unbelievers only know to dominate
and persecute good Christian believers here on the earth, but
they never know JESUS is the only ONE and ONLY final judge! :-)
this summer, as every summer, my skin got tanned. i lose little weight and i feel good! :-)
these days, wherever i go/whatever i do, i've been telling people to vote for Donald Trump! :-)
YES! that's right! Taiwan is Taiwan, Republic of Taiwan! 
Say No! to evil china.
Are you really worshipping GOD or worshipping "yourself" ???
Anna is my daughter, and i'm her mom. IT'S My Life with GOD! :-)
JESUS saved the world. i hope...Mr. Donald Trump will, at least save America, because, America MUST get Great Again and ASAP! GOD Bless USA! Amen! :-)
the majority of police officers around the country are still GOOD people with kindness! :-)
JESUS saved the world. i hope...Mr. Donald Trump will, at least, save America! :-)

today, from 8am to 11am, i just went to work as a volunteer for Anna's scool. it was very nice getting to know and to work with some kids' moms.:-) 

rain means GOD's blessing; rainbow means GOD's promising! :-)
this morning, just got an invitation from my neighbor next door. today is her daughter's 10 year old birthday, so I just prepared a swimsuit for her daughter as a present when we go join her birthday party this afternoon at 4. ^^
yesterday afternoon, Anna went to see dentist for the first time. I am glad that she didn't cry when the dentist took away one of her baby tooth. ^^
GOD created me and people gave me a chance to live, so, i did the same to others and gave birth! Never go for abortion. it's the most stupid sin. we all don't own our life! we are borrowing time from GOD to enjoy our life. GOD is the one to decide when should be the time for us to finish/complete our journey of life! Count on GOD and follow JESUS. Life is Beautiful Wonderful! :-)

Make your own tea or coffee with no sugar added. :-)
sugar is poison, and so is soda. :-)

sick people kill themselves; evil people kill others; those who are both sick and evil, kill others and then themselves.
STOP killing! And, DON'T be evil!


Toyota :-)
Monday, the very first day of school, Anna lose one more tooth at scool.  
Friday, I'm taking her to dentist for the first time since she was born! :-) 

if the weather is nice, i walk; i don't drive.:-)

Well, that's Right! Enough is Enough. No more Clintons. No more Bushes. America Must be Great Again! GOD Bless USA! 

illegal immigrants have been abusing this US Birthright Citizenship for years!  illegal immigrants' American born babies deserve NO US birthright citizenship! WE Great Americans must do the Right thing Right to make America Great Again! :-)  illegal immigrants are all dishonest, sneaky tricky people, using "Anchor Baby" as excuse to stay in the US illegally.  "Anchor Baby" isn't an offensive term. "Fetal Tissue" is a brutal, insane, inhuman and very cold bloody offensive term! Shame on Hillary! I really don't know what's inside Hillary's "brain"??? Ooops, maybe she just never had one!
GOD does create genius to prove HIS own Almighty, so you idiot "human beings" don't ever dare to abort, to kill or to murder any precious Human Life GOD has created. Pro-Life is Pro-GOD's Wisdom! :-) any human life matters, no matter what color or what race! Stop killing! JESUS Saves! :-)

my laptop computer was broken down last year, and just lately, my desktop computer was also broken down. meanwhile, I am not in a hurry to buy any new computer, because, I still have some tablets to get online and stay connected with the rest of the world. it looks like tablets are more reliable than computers, even though, tablets can't do all the job like what computers can do. :-)

Anna will meet her new school teacher later today, and she is back to school on Monday! ^^
this very weak, weird, sick and evil "Obama Administration" has been doing nothing but ruining America. what a shame!