2015年10月20日 星期二

Next USA President MUST be 100% Patriotic! We The People gotta Make America Great Again! AMEN! :-)

i have never been a coffee drinker, but this evening i just rushed to FRY'S to get this coffee maker! it's the best deal of the week! :-) i would rather like to make my own coffee or tea at home than to go to any "cafe", since i might get shot by any evil insane inhuman radical Islamic terrorists!
the more any civilized countries choose to tolerate evil radical Islamic terrorism, the more innocent people around the world are gonna suffer or pay for it! USA gotta Fight back right now for GOD'S sake! idiot weak and weird "obama administration" has been telling lies and talking foolish!  i have been simply ignoring whatever that idiot "obama administration" said or did. they were all full of lies and corruption! i've been tired and sick of that idiot "obama administration". it's not about the "gun control". it's about evil inhuman radical Islamic terrorism sick ideology!!! We The People Great Americans need a Cruz Administration to take NO "refugees" from Syria or any place of the "Middle East", and to remove and get rid of evil radical Islamic terrorism asap! GOD Bless USA! 
Shame on idiot weak and weird "obama administration"
Shame on evil / sick radical Islamic terrorism/terrorists.
True! Don't cry. JESUS is coming back soon... GOD Bless USA! PEACE Please!
The Middle East has been like Hell of the Earth. The European countries are getting into trouble with more danger! These all tell us Americans how important for a better future of USA to secure the borders while to defeat and destroy evil radical Islamic terrorism asap! Thank GOD i am in the USA! :-) Time for America to change for good. that "obama administration" has been once again proved to be a totally failure! ps. btw, since i only have one vote not two votes, being a Texan, i think that i will vote for Senator Ted Cruz! :-)
Watch out! illegal immigration is poison, very dangerous and unpredictable!
We The People.
We The Nation.
GOD Bless USA! :-)
Don't Mess with Texas!
Don't Mess with TedCruz! :-)

To love, not to hate.
To give, not to take.
Life's good. GOD's great! ⛪

if President Donald Duck and Vice president Teddy Bear really take over the White House, i only have one Mission Impossible for them which is... To Make TAIWAN the 51st State of USA, zip code TW 77077, USA! YA! :-)

Well, Good News is that...i don't need to file tax returns! But, i do need to pay property tax.
today, again, the whole day, i was going to the field trip with Anna in the morning and then volunteering at school in the afternoon. Anna's teacher really works hard and has lots of work to do. i think that i will try to help whenever i get a chance to. :-)

illegal immigration has been hurting this country too bad and for too long! We The People need someone who is tough and strong enough to get rid of illegal immigrants! that's what i call it real Justice and real politics! TRUMP 2016 & 2020 :-)
The Empire State Building shines red, white and blue tonight in honor of America’s military this ‪#‎VeteransDay‬.
Today, and every day, we thank you. ‪#‎ProudAmerican‬

my grandfather established 4 Presbyterian churches in Taiwan. i believe what i believe and i know what i believe, so you idiot "obama administration" should STOP telling me what "crusades" mean or asking that "Stupid not Supreme Court" to "re-define" the definition of "Biblical Marriage". We The People Great Americans believe in GOD, JESUS Christ and Merry Merry Merry Christmas! Amen! GOD Bless America and Taiwan, Republic of Taiwan! :-)
Sometimes, "families" are worse than "enemies". We all just gotta Face It!!! 
i don't know about "politics" but i do Love USA, the most beautiful country in the world! :-) 
TODAY November 6th, i had a great day with Anna all day long at school because it was "Bring Your Parent to School Day" :-) 
Donald Duck + Teddy Bear = Win-Win Team 2016 & 2020 GOD Bless USA! Amen! :-) 
GOD creates.
the wicked destroys.
GOD loves!
the wicked hates!
FOX BUSINESS NETWORK ANNOUNCES the candidate line-up for the November 10 Republican presidential debates— Businessman Donald Trump, Dr. Ben Carson, Sen. Marco Rubio, Sen. Ted Cruz, Former Fla. Gov. Jeb Bush, Former HP CEO Carly Fiorina, Ohio Gov. John Kasich and Sen. Rand Paul all have qualified for the prime-time debate to be held Tuesday at 9 p.m.
today!!! Halloween costume at Walmart all 75% Off  ^^ I just got this one for Anna ^^
Can anyone send me a copy of USA Constitution??? We The People Great Americans! :-) 
BE Strong and Kind ;
Not weak and mean.
Walmart is very customer-friendly store! today, everything Halloween 50% Off ^^
Scary Hillary, if this "witch" is in the White House, everyday will be "Horrorween".
Awful news of the day! in a word, Do Not take Russian plane or fly anywhere near "Russia" or the very evil part of the world called "the Middle East".

Russian passenger plane carrying 224 crashes in Sina

Published October 31, 2015

FoxNews.com A Russian passenger plane carrying more than 220 people crashed Saturday in the Sinai Peninsula more than 20 minutes after takeoff from a Red Sea resort popular with Russian tourists, Egypt's Ministry of Civil Aviation said.  Egyptian security and military officials told the Associated Press rescuers found no survivors in the wreckage. The plane had taken off with 217 passengers and seven crew members. A security official who spoke to Reuters claimed at least 100 bodies have been recovered so far.  Civil Aviation Minister Hossam Kamal said an investigative team had arrived at the crash site to examine the debris and locate the flight's recorders, or the "black box." A a security source told Reuters the black box had been recovered. The plane, an Airbus A-321 operated by Russian airline Kogalymavia and branded as Metrojet, according to the aviation ministry, took off from Sharm el-Sheikh shortly before 6 a.m. for St. Petersburg in Russia. It disappeared from radar screens 23 minutes after takeoff.  The Egyptian officials said the aircraft was cruising at 36,000 feet when contact with air traffic controllers was lost. Flight-tracking service FlightRadar24 said the plane was losing altitude at about 6,000 feet per minute before the signal was lost, Reuters reported.  A ministry statement said Egyptian military search and rescue teams found the wreckage of the passenger jet in the remote mountainous Hassana area 44 miles south of the city of el-Arish, an area in northern Sinai where Egyptian security forces are fighting a burgeoning Islamic militant insurgency led by a local affiliate of the extremist Islamic State group.

現在終於雨停了 :-) 

that's right! Don't mess with Texas! Don't mess with Ted Cruz!
We The People Great Americans all gotta fight for our country!
Gov. Mike Huckabee is a wise man with great sense of humor! :-)
this is what Anna wears to school today! Happy Hello&Win :-)
Great! Dear GOD, again, Thank YOU for the rain! TGIF :-)
Next GOP Republican Debate, i wanna see Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage on the stage to ask smart questions!!!! GOD Bless USA! :-) 

Eat healthy, Live happy, Love USA! :-)  Proud to be American! GOD Bless America! :-)
FOX NEWS Photo of the Day: A police officer salutes runner Tim Muessig as he carries the American Flag during the Old Glory Cross Country Flag Relay, which helps raise money for veterans.

i just got home from the field trip i went with Anna this morning! Thank GOd the weather today has been perfectly nice and beautiful! now, i'm a bit kinda exhausted but i had great fun visiting Dallas Heritage Village for the first time with Anna and her classmates! :-)

well, honestly and seriously, I am not really in favor of the Common Core Curriculum but I am OK with it, because I would very much rather like to let Anna receive pure American education here in the USA than to send her to Taiwan to be "polluted/brain-washed" by all those silly and crazy idiot so-called "evil Chinese education".
these days, I've been telling Anna that "Anna, every year, we don't celebrate ghost's Halloween but we do wanna celebrate JESUS Christ's Hello&Win, since JESUS, the Lord conquered death and HE did WIN and will continue to WIN ^^ So, Happy Hello&Win ^^
GOP Republican Debate is always much more nutritious and practical than those "Democratic/Hypocratic debate". YES! Indeed, We The People Great Americans! GOD Bless USA! :-) 

YES! TRUMP 2016 & 2020 :-) YA! it's gonna rain again later this week! Dear GOD, Thanks for free-watering my trees! :-)
through this YouTube website
i just learned and blocked some email addresses in my Gmail :-) Get a life and Do NOT disturb! :-)

I just rushed to ALDI to get lots of fruits and also stop by Target store to pick up those two very cute Olaf I ordered online last week. ^^ this week, ALDI's gala apples are on sale. one bag 3lbs only $1.89 what a deal! that's why I got 4 bags, 12lbs in total, since Anna really loves to eat gala apples! ^^
later this week when Anna goes to the field trip, i'm going with her, too, as she requested. :-)
yesterday evening Anna and i had great fun time attending this speech! :-)

idiot "obama administration" is not only very sick but also very dark! that "Hillary" is just a typical "Democrat/Hypocrat", keeping lying and playing political games.

I love these two huge Made-in-USA Orian Rugs I just ordered online earlier this month!^^

Eat healthy, Stay fit and Love USA! :-)
Don't Mess with Texas
Don't Mess with Trump
Don't Mess with USA
One thing i know for sure is that Mr. Trump does love this country! :-)
Vote Trump, Build the wall and Save USA! TRUMP 2016 & 2020 :-)
What a shame that "obamacare" actually means obama doesn't care!
Politics shouldn't be all about "money-raising". it should be all about We The People Great Americans! :-)
this evening i just took Anna for flu shot. now i'm keeping my fingers crossed and hope that she stays sound and well, since she'll be going to the field trip later this week! :-)
Thank you Time Warner Cable for helping me fix my internet connection today! You guys are so professional and great! :-)
Stay Sharp and Eat Cheese! :-)


we've got plenty of rain! so far so good no flood here. :-)
TRUMP 2016 & 2020 We The People Great Americans Great USA! Red Red Red!!! Red for Republican! :-)
Nevertheless, Red meat are poison. Processed meat are evil. Both are bad!

evil liar and vicious criminal!

"Democrats" are hypocrats; that "Hillary" is as vicious/fatal as black widow!
Rush Limbaugh Facebook said, "Basically Hillary Clinton is having to pretend that she cares the about people she left unprotected and undefended at Benghazi. She's having to act today like she really cares that she left Americans unprotected and undefended."

Extremely rare identical triplets born now home

Wow~ Wow~ Wow!!! All Boys! Amazing Grace! Best news of the day! :-)
10/23/2015 3am Great! it's really raining now! :-)  8am Great! Awesome! Fantastic! it's raining again now! YA! :-) 

whoever it's gonna be, We The People Great Americans can't keep letting any Democrats/Hypocrats ruin our country!

Sugar is poison. Artificial sweeteners are evil. Heavy rainfall are wonderful! :-)
Live or Die I Love USA! :-)  MAGA Make America Great Again! :-)
It was GOD, JESUS Christ, and The USA Government, who saved My LIFE! :-)
Face it! America don't owe you! it's you who owe America! anyone who dares to blame America on anything or everything should all GET OUT of Amrica! I Love America 100% pure Conservative and Right-wing Patriotic! :-)
what a shame "Liberalism" could/can sometimes be this dark and evil just like Terrorism.  
i often like to say Socialism = Communism = Terrorism.
Trump has got his point! He is fighting back! We Great Americans can totally understand what he's been talking about! :-)  Mr. Trump does speak his mind and tell the truth! :-)  illegal immigrants are poison, troublesome and harmful to the US.

YES! Baby win again! :-)