2017年1月20日 星期五

Yes! TRUMP USA! America First & Best! Make America Great Again! Amen! GOD Bless USA! Keep Calm & Love USA! 😎

0222 2017 01:17pm Thank You Sir President Trump! GOD Bless America! 🎉🎉🎉

President Donald J. Trump’s First Month: Achieving Results for the American People

0222 2017 01:10pm Dear Panda, you buy me a ring and i will marry you! Cheers! MLGB ^^
0222 2017 1pm Happy Shopping Happy Living! here comes more after-Valentine's Day shopping! ^^
0222 2017 09:54am Amen!!! Indeed, Everyone is created equal and unique by GOD, and ALL Lives Matter!!! i don't care what color of skin you are! 😁
0222 2017 03:28am Very Cool! TRUMP USA ROCKS! 😎 ps. i love shopping at Walmart & Sam's Club!!! 😁
0222 2017 03:22am yesterday afternoon at 2 i had a great parent-teacher conference meeting with Anna's teacher, helping me know more about Anna's learning at school. 😁

0222 2017 03:03am now i just ordered this Lodge Logic Small Chef's Platter (11-1/2 inches by 7-3/4 inches) 😁
0222 2017 3am "Sanctuary cities" are insane and evil. Period.

Poll: Americans overwhelmingly oppose sanctuary cities

An overwhelming majority of Americans believe that cities that arrest illegal immigrants for crimes should be required to turn them over to federal authorities. The poll shows that President Trump has broad public support in his effort to crack down on sanctuary cities. A survey from Harvard–Harris Poll provided exclusively to The Hill found that 80 percent of voters say local authorities should have to comply with the law by reporting to federal agents the illegal immigrants they come into contact with.

0221 2017 12:08pm Eat healthy and Live Longer! 😁

Surprisingly heart-healthy foods

0221 2017 11:55am "catch-and-release" is insane and evil, and it must be STOPPED!!! America First & Trump Wall, please!!! 😎

DHS secretary orders immigration agent hiring surge, end to 'catch-and-release'

0220 2017 09:41pm Exactly!!! SoooooTrue!!! We The People Believe in GOD and Trust Trump USA! 😁
0220 2017 11:27am Amen! TRUMP USA! GOD Bless USA! 😇
0220 2017 11:20am 

0220 2017 10:17am Sweden made a wrong choice and now.... it's too late! TRUMP has been all the way all very Right!!! Again, NO "Muslims"!!! NO "Syrian refugees"!!! NO "illegal immigrants"!!! America First & Best!!! Thank GOD i'm TaiwaneseAmericanTexan!!! 😂

Trump may have been unclear, but Sweden experiencing a migrant crime wave

0220 2017 05:58am Happy Presidents' Day! We The People Love Our President Trump! 😎
0220 2017 05:47am Monday Happy Rainy Day! Super Warm & Not cold at all! 😁
0220 2017 05:43am Indeed! Exactly! Absolutely! Blue Lives Matter & ALL Lives Matter! Amen! Make America Great Again! TRUMP USA! 😁
0219 2017 4pm Very Cool! Thank you very much President Trump! 😁
Trump: 1 Hour Of Negotiations Saved $1 BILLION On Air Force One

0219 2017 1pm today, Anna found 3 ladybugs in our home and she decided to keep them as pet! how cute! ^^
0219 2017 05:52am 多年前,張學友,有首歌〈LINDA〉🐯💕🐼 😁
0219 2017 05:19am Very scary "communism". Again, Socialism = Communism = Terrorism

0218 2017 03:20pm Saturday Shopping Day! i just took Anna out for after-Valentine's Day shopping and we got many goodies!!! ^^
0217 2017 06:33pm Amen! Trump USA! Make America Great Again! 😁
0217 2017 10:22am 愛情是道選擇題,你選擇我,我選擇你,就。。〈非常完美〉,
p.s. 現在我最想聽那首。。〈華麗進行曲〉早安晚安Dear功夫熊貓 😉
0216 2017 01:30pm YA! YA! YA! TAIWAN, USA zip code TW 77077, USA! 🍻🍻🍻🎉🎉🎉

陸戰隊駐AIT 楊甦棣:美台友好象徵

【大紀元2017年02月16日訊】前美國在台協會台北辦事處長楊甦棣15日表示,美國在台協會台北新址今年在內湖落成啟用後,美國將派遣陸戰隊員駐守維護安全,象徵友好承諾。據海內外媒體報導,楊甦棣出席華府智庫「全球台灣研究中心」美國對台政策研討會致詞時表示,台灣需要新的武器裝備因應台海軍力失衡,建議川普政府加強雙方軍事往來級別和對台軍售。此外,楊甦棣也說,今年美國在台協會牽至內湖新大樓時,將有海軍陸戰隊人員駐守安全,此為具有象徵性的表示,代表美國對台灣朋友的承諾。楊甦棣表示,美國在世界各國的外交館舍院落,都有良好的陸戰隊之家(Marine House)作為當地工作人員的社交中心,台北也會有。

0216 2017 01:20pm R.I.P. 汪不笨不糊 😇

Aetna CEO: Obamacare in 'Death Spiral'

0215 2017 09:53am 一家三口 🐯💕🐼 Anna loves her new water bottle! 😁
0215 2017 09:41am i only like Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and Alex Jones! 😁


【大紀元2017年02月10日訊】一部探討孔子學院在國際上備受爭議並受到抵制現像的紀錄片《假孔子之名》(In The Name Of Confucius)將於今年3月3日在加拿大安省的貝勒維爾國際紀錄片電影節(Belleville Downtown DocFest International Documentary Film Festival)全球首映。《假孔子之名》在去年6月完成以來,已獲得多個國際獎項,包括2016美國國際金勳章影片競賽(Accolade Global Film Competition)3項大獎:傑出紀錄片評委特別提名獎(Award of Excellence Special Mention: Documentary Short )、自由/社會正義/抗議類卓越獎(Award of Excellence: Liberation / Social Justice / Protest)及女性電影人卓越獎(Award of Excellence: Women Filmmakers)。美國國際金勳章影片競賽獎的得主包括多位獲得奧斯卡獎、艾美獎的電影人。競賽評委對《假孔子之名》的評語是:「影片展現了令人震驚的細節、險惡的用心以及一位平民英雄,揭露了數十億美元打造的企業背後的真相。」上週,《假孔子之名》又獲得了美國影響力紀錄片競賽(Impact DOCS Award)的卓越紀錄片獎(Award of Excellence: Documentary Feature)。2月8日,《假孔子之名》又獲得美國國際金勳章影片競賽人道主義獎(Humanitarian Award of Distinction)。主辦者在賀信中說:「我們堅信,這影片可以在全球範圍內產生影響並帶來變化。」

0214 2017 08:42pm Faith Hope Love Peace! MLGB 🍻

5 ways to keep your heart pumping this Valentine's Day

0214 2017 9am Love is like a slow cooker! ^^
0214 2017 04:40am MLGB 情人節快樂!🐯💕🐼
0214 2017 04:23am Exactly!!! TRUMP is Right again!!! Wrong people OUT!!! Right People IN! Really Simple! Period. 😁

Trump: We cannot let the wrong people in our country

Feb. 13, 2017 - 2:26 - The president says it is a stance of 'common sense'

0214 2017 04:04am YA! YA! Rain Rain Come Again! 下雨了。。真好真好!開心開心!😁

China Will Soon Fingerprint All Foreigners Before They Enter the Country

0212 2017 04:50pm Totally agree with Stephen Miller! Again, NO "Muslims"!!! NO "Syrian refugees"!!! NO "illegal immigrants"!!! We The People Great Americans gotta Save Our Country, USA!!! Socialism = Communism = TERRORISM! Period.

Stephen Miller on Trump's efforts to secure the homeland

Feb. 12, 2017 - 15:50 - White House senior policy adviser weighs in on 'Fox News Sunday'
0212 2017 08:25am ISIS is evil and so is the mainstream "liberal media".

0211 2017 06:42am 
Why do i like him and wanna marry him? Simply because...he enjoys food and enjoys life, and... 
most of all, he's got great sense of humor! Happy Valentine's Day Everyone! MLGB 🐯💕🐼 😁😋
0211 2017 05:33am Nancy sent us lots of Valentine chocolate! Anna likes milk chocolate while i like dark chocolate. ^^ p.s. btw, woman size S jackets seem a little bit too small for me, but i don't worry about it, since i'll let Anna wear them real soon! ^^
0211 2017 03:02am i love USA, Japan and TAIWAN! 😁
0210 2017 11:55am i don't smoke. i don't drink. i don't do drugs. i'm pretty, healthy and clean! 😁
0210 2017 05:28am Yep! Proud to be a SuperMom! 😁

Mom makes powerful statement by posting photo of triplet pregnancy scar

0210 2017 05:08am Keep Calm and Live Long! Nobody wants to "die young".

9 signs you'll probably die young

0210 2017 04:42am One China.One Taiwan. Two Countries. Period. 😎
0209 2017 06:17pm Go! Trump! Go! Go! Trump! Go! Save USA!!! 😎
0209 2017 04:33pm NO "illegals", please.

Groups want Trump to close loophole allowing illegal immigrants to abuse tax credits

0209 2017 08:40am
忘記背後,努力面前 。
有些事情,該忘就忘 。
有些事情,總要記得 。

0209 2017 06:05am ExcuuuseMe!!! "Courts" or "some politicians" (the minority) can't always decide what We The People (the majority) should or should not do. That's why We Great Americans People elected Our President Donald J. Trump!
0207 2017 06:43pm Yes! Blue Lives Matter! ALL Lives Matter! Amen! GOD Bless USA! 😎
Trump interview throws spotlight on Christian broadcaster
Christian Broadcasting Network chief political correspondent David Brody, right, interviews President Trump at the White House. Photo courtesy of Mark Bautista/CBN News

0207 2017 09:28am "Courts" have been very dumb, deaf and too slow lately. Shame! Shame on evil "Iran". Shame on that idiot "obama". Period.
0207 2017 06:32am Linda's Today's Peace of Mind : "Any kind of man-made superstitions are all lies; JESUS is the Only Truth & Wisdom." 😁
0207 2017 05:30am last week, my neighbor next door gave me this metal swing totally free of charge!!! Anna loves it!!! ^^ we are so happy to have very nice friendly neighbors in our lovely neighborhood! ^^
0207 2017 04:07am Anna's dad, a Leo, whose best friend is named "Nick", a Texas cop. several years later, the man i like for years, happens to be a Leo, too and he also has a friend called "Nic". MLGB 😁 in a word, Anna needs a pet while Linda needs a man! Happy Valentine's Day! ps. i like the way i look now. 😉
0205 2017 05:18pm "the courts" have been idiots these days! Sad and Shame! Whatever, President Trump, you're Our Commander in Chief! 😁
0205 2017 03:30pm Happy Sunday Picture Day! ^^ this early morning, Anna couldn't wait until i got my fresh-baked cheese bread out of my cast iron loaf pan, she just bit and ate some right away! she said she LOVES my cheeeeese bread so much. i felt so....happy! ^^
0205 2017 01:10pm Thank GOD my life has been much more beautiful than ever before! ps. i really like Made in USA OrianRugs 😁😂🍻🎉🎉🎉
0205 2017 04:50am i make my own bread and bake my own cake! Happy Valentine's Day! 😊
ps. i don't need a boyfriend. i just need a husband. yes! i can and i will! Captain America, My Man! 😁
0205 2017 03:40am The Art of The Deal TRUMP USA! 😁

After Trump attack, Lockheed Martin slashes F-35 cost

(CNN)Defense giant Lockheed Martin has agreed to sell 90 new F-35 fighter jets to the US Defense Department for $8.5 billion -- a deal that amounts to more than $700 million in savings over the last batch of aircraft delivered. Lockheed Martin credited President Donald Trump for helping to "accelerate negotiations" and "drive down the price" of what is already the most expensive weapons program in history.

0205 2017 3am Shopping Again! 😁

LED Multi-Colored Mini Lights (200 ct.) 

Girl's ZeroXposur Snow Pant (10/12)

0204 2017 06:18pm it's a bit cold and chilly today. Me and Anna, we're going no where but stay at home, enjoying food and fun! 😁
0204 2017 06:15pm President Trump, you gotta help us Guard USA! Again, NO "Muslims"!!! NO "Syrian refugees"!!! NO "illegal immigrants". Period. Thank You! 😎
0204 2017 05:50am 最近我。。忙採購!我買衣服, 像在「進貨」!哈哈哈哈哈!Whatever, 開心最重要!😁 i've been busy with shopping these days!!! 🎉🎉🎉
0204 2017 05:05am Thank GOD We The People Great Americans have President Trump in the White House! 😂
0204 2017 04:55am Agree!!! Fair Trade Free Market! TRUMP USA Make America Great Again! 😁
0204 2017 04:50am Exactly! Absolutely! Definitely! NO Evil NO Crime! Make America Safe Again! TRUMP USA Amen! 😇
0203 2017 05:40am Proverbs 4:23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. TRUMP USA! Amen! 😁

President Donald J. Trump Proclaims February as American Heart Month


0203 2017 10:32am American Eagle gotta fly high again! 😁
0203 2017 09:32am Wow!!! How Cool!!! i'll certainly show this video clip to Anna later today!!! SooooGlad to know that Ivanka Trump's daughter can sing songs in Mandarin! 😁 0203 2017 09:43am Awesome! Sooooo fun interesting and nice to know that your daughter can sing songs in Mandarin!!! My 9-year-old-to-be daughter, Anna is half Taiwanese and half Caucasian/Texan! She does speak little Mandarin! 😁

A STAR IS BORN: Clip of Trump granddaughter singing spreads on Chinese web


0203 2017 09:19am Again, Shame on "that evil and idiot obama". Period. Also, Shame on "that hypocratic money-washing u.n."

Obama's last money shower for the UN: some $9.2 billion


0203 2017 09:09am Evil ISIS Stupid Paris. USA just gotta Face it and Wake Up NOW!!! Thank You SoooooooMuch President Trump! 😁
0202 2017 12:50pm Cool! Very Smart Kuwait! Trump has been all the way Right Right Right! 😁

Kuwait issues its own Trump-esque visa ban for five Muslim-majority countries


0202 2017 10:40am President Trump! Please STOP that very evil "Iran Deal"!!!Thanks! 😎
0202 2017 10:10am Amen! TRUMP USA! 😁

Trump vows to protect religious liberty – and knocks Arnold – at National Prayer Breakfast


0202 2017 05:02am Keep Calm & Love Cotton USA! 😁
0131 201705:25am
Spice up your Look!
Light up your Life!
I love Sam's Club! 😁
0131 2017 05:05am Again, Thank You very much President Trump! USA must change for GOOD! Strong borders and Strict immigration! Period. 😎
0131 2017 5am i work for 2A, Anna & America! 😁
0130 2017 12:50pm Anna likes to wear warm winter boots. So, I just ordered 2 of this
 Cozie Steps 100% Genuine Australian Sheepskin Toggle Boot
One size 7 and the other size 9 for her! i wear size 8 and I already got 2 size 8 in different color 😁 now, Anna is wearing girl shoe size 3, i'm sure very soon, she'll be wearing women shoe size 7 and 9 in 5 years 😆 these boots are very good quality and only cost me $40+tax free shipping very good deal! 😊
0130 2017 08:57am Again, Shame on evil insane very sick radical Islamic "Muslims" who enjoy killing each other and killing others.

Suspect in Quebec mosque terror attack was of Moroccan origin, report shows


0130 2017 08:30am Red Red Republican! now i just ordered these red steak knives at Sam'sClub.com $16.88+tax free shipping! 😁

List of Trump's executive orders


Since taking office, President Trump has looked to fulfill some of his campaign promises by using executive orders. Here are the 17 orders he has signed so far:
  • Multi-pronged orders on border security and immigration enforcement including: the authorization of a U.S.-Mexico border wall; the stripping of federal grant money to sanctuary cities; hiring 5,000 more Border Patrol agents; ending “catch-and-release” policies for illegal immigrants; and reinstating local and state immigration enforcement partnerships.
  • Two orders reviving the Keystone XL pipeline and Dakota Access piplines. He also signed three other related orders that would: expedite the environmental permitting process for infrastructure projects related to the pipelines; direct the Commerce Department to streamline the manufacturing permitting process; and give the Commerce Department 180 days to maximize the use of U.S. steel in the pipeline.
  • An order to reinstate the so-called "Mexico City Policy" – a ban on federal funds to international groups that perform abortions or lobby to legalize or promote abortion. The policy was instituted in 1984 by President Reagan, but has gone into and out of effect depending on the party in power in the White House.
  • He signed a notice that the U.S. will begin withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. Trump called the order "a great thing for the American worker."
  • An order imposing a hiring freeze for some federal government workers as a way to shrink the size of government. This excludes the military, as Trump noted at the signing.
  • An order that directs federal agencies to ease the “regulatory burdens” of ObamaCare. It orders agencies to “waive, defer, grant exemptions from, or delay the implementation of any provision or requirement” of ObamaCare that imposes a “fiscal burden on any State or a cost, fee, tax, penalty, or regulatory burden on individuals, families, healthcare providers, health insurers, patients, recipients of healthcare services, purchasers of health insurance, or makers of medical devices, products, or medications.”
  • Bans refugees and residents from seven Muslim nations.
  • Restructure the National Security Council and the Homeland Security Council.
  • Lengthen the ban on administration officials working as lobbyists.  
  • Improve efforts to defeat ISIS
0130 2017 01:52am YA! YA! YA! 3 days in a row to be 70 degrees or more! Warm Warm Sunny beautiful Texas winter! Dear GOD, Thank YOU very much! 😁
0129 2017 06:40pm
Live to Love!
Love to Live!
0129 2017 05:31pm President Trump, you've been doing the Right things Right! all those liberal media are always dishonest and mean to you. as usual, i just simply ignore all those liberal media/liars. Whatever, We Great Americans just gotta be careful and be smart and wise when dealing with some dangerous horrific countries from "the Middle East".

Bobby Jindal reacts to Trump's actions on immigration

Jan. 29, 2017 - 6:27 - Former Louisiana governor weighs in on 'Fox & Friends'

Conway defends Trump's executive actions, slams media bias

Jan. 29, 2017 - 18:12 - Counselor to President Trump weighs in on 'Fox News Sunday'
0129 2017 02:38pm Exactly! We The People Great Americans can't let those who don't accept Our Culture, Our Religion, Our Rule of Law, to come to Our Country and attack US! that's insane and ridiculous! Each Country around the world has its own problem. We solve our own problem while they solve theirs. Please don't turn Our Country into a "junkyard" like any of theirs, such as "Syria".
0129 2017 10:42am Yes! Sir! President Trump! We The People gotta SAVE Our Country! America First & Best! We can't be fooled or attacked! Again, NO "Muslims"!!! NO "Syrian refugees"!!! NO "illegal immigrants"!!! Time to Take Our Country Back! Excuse Me, This is USA, not "the Hell of the world". 😎

0129 2017 08:50am Sunny Sunday! Again, I just threw away the whole too sweet, too sugary, too fatty "lemon pie" to the trash can and then made my own healthy whole wheat flaxseed chia seed olive oil cheese bread which is sugar free and high in fiber and protein 😋 

0129 2017 08:42am Thank you so much President Trump! i'm sooooooo proud to be an American! Amen! GOD Bless USA! 😁
0129 2017 07:01am Keep Calm & Stay Fit 😁
0129 2017 05:46am Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen, these "countries" are the Hell of the world. Shame on evil radical Islamic terrorism/terrorists.

DHS will continue to enforce Trump's travel ban


0128 2017 09:46pm Again, I say Judge Jeanine Rocks! Shame on all sanctuary cities! Shame on all illegals! Shame on all democrats / hypocrats! Period.

Judge Jeanine: Like it or not, laws are getting enforced

Jan. 28, 2017 - 7:27 - It's time to put an end to sanctuary cities

0128 2017 09:26pm Shame on all the "illegals". it took me more than 5 years and cost me more than 5 thousand US dollars to become legal and US citizen! I say there should be NO exceptions! Period. "illegals" are dishonest and dangerous! they are all "potential criminals".

Remembrance Project director: Trump is increasing safety

Jan. 28, 2017 - 4:05 - Maria Espinoza approves of the president's actions on immigration

0128 2017 08:48pm Thank you President Trump for Making America Great Again! GOD Bless USA! Amen! 😂
0127 2017 06:47pm
MLGB 🐯💕🐼
0127 2017 06:34pm Amen! Thank you so much President Trump! We The People Great Americans don't want illegals or "refugees/potential terrorists" coming to OUR Country! 

Trump signs executive order for 'extreme vetting' of refugees


0127 2017 02:40pm Amen! ALL Lives Matter! GOD Bless USA! 😇 

March for Life participants optimistic about Trump, Pence

0127 2017 02:28pm Cool! UK & USA are like brothers & sisters! 😊

Churchill bust takes center stage as Trump, May reaffirm special relationship

0127 2017 08:30am 娜娜說新年恭喜恭喜! Anna says Happy Taiwanese New Year! ^^ also, a picture of Anna 5 years ago! Time really flies! 😂
0127 2017 06:47am Exactly!!! This is common sense! For any Normal not insane Nation, Security and Safety are always the Best and First Priorities! President TRUMP ROCKS! 😎

0127 2017 06:04am Good oil make you live longer! 😁
Health Benefits: Avocado oil contains good fat: mostly monounsaturated fat or MUFA (around 70% of its fatty acid profile). These are the ones that have a powerful effect on high cholesterol, weight, belly fat etc…. Therefore, it is a great substitute for “bad” fats (saturated fats or trans fats) mainly found in traditional animal derived grease (like butter or lard) and heavily processed goods.  La Tourangelle Avocado Oil is naturally and lightly processed and confers important nutrients from the avocado pulp such as antioxidants, potassium and vitamin A.

0127 2017 04:38am
Keep Calm and Keep Shopping at Sam's Club! 😁
MLGB My Life has been certainly Getting Better! 
0127 2017 04:12am 🍗🍕🍔🍜🎂🍮🍹🍻
0126 2017 08:58am That's Right! President Trump 😁 No Wall No Talk! Mexico just gotta pay for it! Period. 
0126 2017 08:28am For sure, I'm 100% for Patriotism and Nationalism! GOD Bless USA! Amen! 😎

How Trump is remaking the ‘culture war’

0126 2017 06:20am Keep Calm and Let me Repeat this One more time : 
NO "Muslims"!!! NO "Syrian refugees"!!! NO "illegal immigrants"!!! 
This is the United States of America, not the Hell of the world!!! 

0126 2017 6am Exactly!!! Shame on all insane and hypocratic "sanctuary cities".

Priebus on sanctuary cities: 'If you defy the laws of this country, you shouldn't receive federal taxpayer dollars'

0126 2017 02:50am Yesterday, it was Anna's school picture Day. During the past 4 years, every year i've been ordering Anna's class pictures. Starting from this year, i'm not gonna order it again, since its price is up and too expensive! One picture for more than $14. i'm not buying that! it's a robbery! Me, myself, i take very cute nice pictures of Anna almost EVERYDAY!!! My daughter is very pretty and beautiful! GOD gave me a wonderful Barbie Doll for real! no batteries needed...cheers! 😁
0126 2017 02:30am Amen! GOD Bless USA! 😁 Awesome! Great! Beautiful! TRUMP USA Rocks! 😎 
p.s. We The People Great Americans want Trump's Supreme Court not "that obama's Stupid Court". Period.
0126 2017 02:20am now i just woke up this early and ordered this for Anna as she requested. 😁
0125 2017 01:33pm Yes! TRUMP WALL NOW! No "illegal immigrants"!!! No "Muslims"!!! No "Syrian refugees"!!! End of conversation! 

Trump orders construction of border wall, targets sanctuary cities

0125 2017 12:02pm Again, Shame on "that evil and idiot obama"! Shame on all "democrats/hypocrats". Period.

Education Department report finds billions spent under Obama had 'no impact' on achievement

0125 2017 11:48am Cool!!! JUSTICE MUST BE SERVED! Thank you very much President Trump! 😁

Trump promises 'major investigation' into alleged voter fraud

0125 2017 11:40am Yes! Sir! President Trump! America First & Best! Amen! 😇
0125 2017 09:25am Do the Right thing Right! Donald J. Trump Said and Done. He's My President! 😁 Cool! TRUMP USA! Go!Go!Go! 😎 
0125 2017 08:15am Good morning President Trump! The White House looks especially beautiful now! 😁
What Trump got right on Day 1: The jobs agenda

Markets Right Now: Dow Jones industrials breach 20,000

0124 2017 02:35pm Live Laugh Love La La Land looks Good! 😊
0124 2017 01:53pm Amen! GOD Bless USA! 😁
0124 2017 12pm here come all of Anna's drawings lately ^^ i'm glad that she's got a talent on art. ^^ 
p.s. baby, i love your smile. ^^ Ooops! Anna just lost one babytooth lately. ^^
0124 2017 08:11am Good morning America! Good morning President Trump! 😎

Donald Trump is the first president to Snapchat his inauguration

0124 2017 08:08am
MLGB 🐯💕🐼 🎉🎉🎉
i just ordered this cute cookie jar for Anna 😁
0123 2017 02:40pm Thank GOD and Thank you President Trump! We The People are so proud to be Americans!!! Amen! GOD Bless USA! 😁 
0123 2017 02:11pm Wow! How impressive!!! Thank you very much President Trump! 😂
讓美國再次偉大!白宮第一天 川普需完成的26項工作
6、為了加強處罰非法再次入境美國的罪犯,將要求國會通過「凱特法」(Kate's Law)。
1、取消歐巴馬時代對能源計畫的設限,如「基石XL」(Keystone XL)計畫。

0123 2017 11:41am Good! 😁

Trump signs executive order withdrawing US from TPP trade deal

0123 2017 06:50am 
新年恭禧 🐓
平平安安 🍎
0122 06:52pm 要過年了。。。娜娜說謝謝 Irene 阿姨送的喜年來蛋捲禮盒 😋
0122 2017 07:10am HOHOHO! To me, Every day is Christmas! 😁
0122 2017 03:20am TRUMP USA 2017 to 2025 😎 Amen! GOD Bless USA! Keep Calm & Love USA! 😁
0121 2017 09:23am Amen! Keep Calm & Follow JESUS! GOD Bless USA! 😇

0121 2017 9am Good morning President Trump! Good morning America! 😁
0121 2017 05:41am Wow!!! Cool! Awesome! Fantastic! Lots of New Laws to sign for President Trump! Yes! Take Our Country Back! Amen! 😂

WATCH: FIRST DAY On The Job Donald Trump Signs New Laws


FULL: President Donald Trump Inauguration Address Speech - We will be protected by God


0121 2017 04:37am Please don't blame me. i've been a big fan of Kitchenaid! 😁
0121 2017 03:30am Thank You! President Trump! America First & Best! 😁 We The People Great Americans don't need "obamaDoesn'tCare". 😆
0120 2017 07:40pm We The People Truly Love USA! ^^
0120 2017 12:25pm TRUMP USA 2017 to 2025 😁
0120 2017 12pm Indeed. One Nation Under GOD! Amen! Thank You! President Trump! 😁 Yes! Sir! President Trump! The whole world needs USA, Real Justice and Real Peace! evil radical Islamic terrorism must be STOPPED completely and immediately!!! 🗽🗽🗽🎉🎉🎉🍻🍻🍻


